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Student Housing Residency Requirement

Student Housing Residency Requirement

All Undergraduate students are guaranteed housing at Bowes Center during their time at SFCM. SFCM requires undergraduate students to reside on campus for the first 3 academic years (Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years).

Graduate students at SFCM will be offered housing at Bowes based on availability, and are not required to live on campus. If a graduate student wants to be considered for on-campus housing, they should request space by applying for housing through the Office of Residential Life. Returning students will choose their rooms during the room selection process in March-April of the previous school year. For new students, the housing application opens in May, and new students will receive communication from the Office of Admissions and Office of Residential Life with more information. Current Students can find more details about their current housing by logging into their applicant portal at sfcm.erezlife.com.

Note: Housing Contracts extend through the full academic year (Fall and Spring Semesters), and students living on campus for the Fall semester are obligated to remain in on-campus housing for Spring Semester. Students will not be released from the housing contract mid-year or mid-semester. If there are any questions about your specific circumstance, please be in touch with erfyvsr@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@efilser .

Exemptions to the Residency Requirement

Exemptions to the Residency Requirement may be granted by the Office of Residential Life. Students seeking an exemption must submit a Residency Requirement Exemption Form, and will be required to provide documentation during the housing application process. Exemptions are granted for the following reasons:

  • The student lives at home with a parent or legal guardian within 45 miles of SFCM. If the student changes residence, it is the student's responsibility to promptly notify the Office of Student Affairs.
  • The student is married, in a registered domestic partnership that is recognized by the state of California, and/or is a parent with whom one or more dependent children reside.

Students must provide appropriate documentation in support of the exemption request. 
A separate Residency Requirement Exemption Form is required for each year a student is seeking exemption. For consideration, this form must be received by the Office of Residential Life no later than July 15 for new and returning students scheduled start at the beginning of Fall Semester, and no later than January 1 for New students and students returning from Leaves of Absence scheduled to start at the beginning of Spring Semester. Students continuing from Fall to Spring are not granted exemptions between semesters, since the housing contract extends through the full academic year. Only exemption requests submitted to the Office of Residential Life will be considered.